Written by Dr. Stavros Athanasiou
The vNOTES method (Vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) is an innovative minimally invasive surgical technique for hysterectomy. Instead of making incisions in the abdominal area, the procedure is performed through the vagina using specialized endoscopic instruments.
vNOTES methods advantages
The vNOTES method offers many advantages compared to traditional techniques:
- Reduced postoperative pain: The absence of abdominal incisions minimizes patient discomfort.
- Faster recovery: Patients return to their daily activities more quickly.
- Lower risk of complications: This technique is associated with a lower risk of infections and other complications.
- Better aesthetic result: Scars are avoided as there are no external incisions.

Open Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery

Robotic Surgery

vNOTES method
When should you follow vNotes method
Hysterectomy with vNOTES may be suitable for the treatment of conditions such as:
- Pelvic pain
- Fibroids
- Excessive menstrual bleeding
- Uterine prolapse
- Other gynecological disorders
Which is the procedure?
During the procedure, surgeons insert endoscopic instruments through the vagina to remove the uterus or other tissues. The use of modern equipment ensures precision and safety, while the duration of the procedure is comparable to other minimally invasive techniques.
The vNOTES method is a modern approach to hysterectomy, offering significant advantages for the health and quality of life of patients. Dr. Stavros Athanasiou is one of the few urogynecologists in Greece who applies the most pioneering vNOTES method to patients.